DentalZorg, specialist in dentistry for 30 years
DentalZorg is a professional advanced dentistry organization (1988) and has three practices in the areas Amsterdam and Zaanstreek-Waterland. Dentalzorg provides all regular dental treatments and is equipped with a advanced dental laboratory. Our team of 70 professional, caring and dedicated dentists are passionate about giving all of their patients the highest quality of care.
Registered (BIG) dentists
DentalZorg works with BIG-registered dentists and specialists. Most of them are educated in The Netherlands. The BIG-register (Professions in Individual Healthcare) is a Dutch database in which all officially recognized health workers are registered. The establishment of this register is based on the law of professions in healthcare. Only those who are registered are authorized by law to use this protected title. The BIG-register is an eleven digit number and applies, besides dentists also to doctors, pharmacists, physiotherapists and nurses.