When is it necessary to extract a tooth or molar?
While visiting the dentist for a regular consultation the dentist can discover a molar or tooth which has been affected by tooth decay or by gingivitis (an inflammation in the gums). In some cases, it is no longer possible to fill or repair the tooth. The dentist will then advise to pull the respective tooth or molar. This is called an extraction. An extraction can also be done to make space for your other teeth. For example in case of a very crooked molar or teeth. In most cases, it is the wisdom tooth which will be extracted.
Pulling the wisdom tooth
Almost everyone comes to a point in his/her life when one or several of their wisdom teeth need to be extracted. But why does the wisdom teeth needs to be extracted more often than molars and other teeth? And in which age period is it recommended to have them pulled out?
Breaking through of the wisdom teeth
Generally, wisdom teeth break through between the age period of eighteen and twenty-four. Although, it also happens a lot that they partially break through or not at all. The reasons for this can be lack of space, a wrong breakout direction or an obstruction by the molar next to the wisdom teeth. These issues can cause serious problems.